Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sabah Photos [Wei Shun's cam]

Hello. WEI SHUN has uploaded his cam's photo already!

Visit to view it.

Thanks Wei Shun for uploading it so fast!

Zheng Hua photos [COMPLETE]

Photobucket Album

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sabah Photos

Hello! Those who took photographs during our Sabah trip, please contact Wei Shun or me for the password and user id for the photobucket so that you can upload it there and let all of our ODACians to see! Please upload by Sunday, we are dying to see the photos! Thanks a lot!

- Christine.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Zheng Hua Secondary Photos!

Hello, here's Christine replacing Yogez to post the ZHSS photos up as her computer crashed!
Let's begin!

Meeting the ZHSS ODACians!

Then it was time to get HIGH!

^ This is what you call, "Air Pork". LOL.
^ 3 little pigs as belayers, sure safe!
Make fire then can makan!

Group photo!

Okay, that marks the end of the amazing day we had at ZHSS. Okay, there's still many many photos which I didn't post up (total 128) probably will release the photobucket info so that you can go search for the photos that you want okay? Also, sorry for the different sizes of the photos, I have to manually adjust the size of the photos, and apparently I'm not very accurate. Enjoy!